Zen Planner + SugarWOD Frequently Asked Questions

Since we announced that Zen Planner and SugarWOD were joining forces, we’ve understandably received many questions from our community. That’s why we teamed up to create a video and list of frequently asked questions!
What’s happening?
SugarWOD is now a part of the Daxko family of fitness brands! Daxko, the parent company of Zen Planner, has purchased SugarWOD to create the best end–to–end software systems for boutique and CrossFit gyms.
Who is Daxko?
Daxko is a family of fitness software brands founded over 21 years ago, and the parent company of Zen Planner. Zen planner joined the Daxko family 2 years ago. At the inception, Daxko was founded to provide fitness software for nonprofits including YMCAs and Jewish Community Centers. Daxko has since grown to work with over 20 million gym members across the world, thousands of fitness facilities, and best–in–breed software platforms including SugarWOD.
Why is SugarWOD merging with Zen Planner?
SugarWOD is ready to grow! SugarWOD has been bootstrapped from day one and by working with Daxko and Zen planner, the company will be able to grow faster than ever before. SugarWOD now has access to more developers, customer service representatives, and resources to provide an awesome experience for customers.
Did you see our FAQ video on Facebook?
Will there be an integration between SugarWOD and Zen Planner?
Yes! With an overlapping customer base, the Zen Planner x SugarWOD development teams are working as fast as they can to integrate the software by October. Some gyms will have access to the beta version available for the CrossFit games in late July. Stay tuned for more details on this as they become available.
What’s the integration going to do?
SugarWOD and Zen Planner have been working directly with customers to provide a seamless integration.
The first version of the integration will focus on athlete memberships. If a new athlete becomes a member of a Zen Planner gym, they will immediately get a SugarWOD account. If a member chooses to leave the gym, their account will be turned off automatically, reducing maintenance for the gym owner.
Future versions of the integration are in the pipeline and being driven by customer feedback! This is a long-term project and we can’t wait to see where our partnership takes us over the coming years.
Will Zen Planner and SugarWOD be in an exclusive partnership?
SugarWOD will continue to work with other gym membership platforms. This has been the case since SugarWOD launched and nothing is going to change at this time. Daxko and SugarWOD know that gyms have unique needs and need to pick the best product for their specific business. No matter the product you choose, SugarWOD will continue work well for your business. Although SugarWOD will continue to work with other gym software, our integration with Zen Planner with have compelling features not available elsewhere.
Will this change anything for Zen Planner customers?
Nothing is changing at this time, and that includes pricing. Continue using Zen Planner and SugarWOD the same as you always have. We know that our customer bases overlap and after the integration our products will work seamlessly together to provide a streamlined experience for Zen Planner customers.
As a gym owner what does this mean for me and my business?
We know that member retention is one of the most challenging aspects for every gym owner. Zen Planner is focused on providing solutions that foster engagement through the entire member lifecycle. SugarWOD has cracked the code on fostering community. With more engaged members and a stronger community, you’re guaranteed to have better member retention.
Will the marketplace change?
Our partnership will add over 20 million gym members to the exiting 600,000 athlete base on the marketplace, meaning our partners will now be able to reach a much larger audience than ever before! SugarWOD’s mission has always been to spread the functional fitness methodology and message as far and wide as possible, this partnership will aid us in that effort.
Zen Planner already has a workout tracking piece, will this change?
If the Zen Planner tracking system is working for you, then continue working with it. If you’re interested in switching, download a free trial for SugarWOD.

I’m Coach Kelli, a devoted CrossFit gym owner with 15 years of experience managing my facility, along with owning yoga studios and wellness centers. Beyond the fitness world, I have a passion for cooking, cherish moments with my children and family, and find joy in spending time outside. Having experienced the highs and lows, I’m dedicated to leveraging my expertise to help you grow and succeed on your fitness journey.

I’m Coach Kelli, a devoted CrossFit gym owner with 15 years of experience managing my facility, along with owning yoga studios and wellness centers. Beyond the fitness world, I have a passion for cooking, cherish moments with my children and family, and find joy in spending time outside. Having experienced the highs and lows, I’m dedicated to leveraging my expertise to help you grow and succeed on your fitness journey.