Why You Should Make Athlete Retention a Priority

Athlete retention has always been a top concern for affiliate owners. The problem is that retention is a slippery issue. It takes time to manage, and with all the competing demands you’re juggling, it’s easy to let retention programs slip through the cracks. We’ve got a solution to this problem, and it comes down to using your greatest asset to help manage retention- your coaches.

By Kelli Sweeting | April 8, 2019

Building Your Affiliate Gym’s Marketing Arsenal

Your affiliate gym’s marketing arsenal includes much more than an email list and social media accounts. There are several often-overlooked tools and integrations that must be implemented to thrive in 2019. These tools and integrations work together to make your life easier, so you can master your affiliate business, grow your community and delight your members.

By Kelli Sweeting | March 21, 2019