How the Move from MindBody to Zen Planner Transformed Core Wisdom: A Pilates Studio Success Story

41 min read


Introduction to Core Wisdom and Kim Robbins

Running a successful fitness studio requires a mix of passion, dedication, and a keen sense of business acumen. For Kim Robbins, the founder of Core Wisdom in Boulder, Colorado, these attributes have been the foundation of her 20-year journey in the Pilates industry. Core Wisdom isn’t just a business for Kim; it’s a one-woman show where she wears multiple hats as the instructor, manager, and owner. With a focus on helping people in pain, Kim’s Pilates studio has become a sanctuary for many seeking relief and strength.

When Kim started Core Wisdom, she was determined to create a space where people could find personalized care and community support. Her dedication to her clients and her craft has kept her studio thriving for two decades. Kim’s approach is hands-on and deeply personal, with an intimate knowledge of her clients’ needs and milestones, such as remembering their grandchildren’s names and celebrating their significant achievements.

However, managing all aspects of the studio by herself came with its own set of challenges. Kim needed a reliable system to help streamline her operations, reduce her workload, and allow her to focus more on her clients. This is where Zen Planner came into the picture, revolutionizing the way she managed her business and ultimately contributing to her success.

To see how Zen Planner can transform your business, watch our YouTube video featuring Kim Robbins and Core Wisdom.

The Challenges of Running a One-Woman Pilates Studio

Running a Pilates studio as a solo entrepreneur presents unique challenges that require not just expertise in Pilates, but also savvy business skills and exceptional time management. For Kim Robbins, the founder of Core Wisdom, this balancing act has been a part of her daily routine for 20 years.

Kim’s day typically starts early and ends late, juggling between teaching classes, managing client bookings, handling finances, and maintaining the studio. Being both the instructor and the business owner means Kim is responsible for every aspect of her studio’s operation. This dual role can be overwhelming, particularly when it comes to administrative tasks that take time away from her primary passion—teaching Pilates and helping clients.

Before adopting Zen Planner, Kim relied heavily on manual processes to keep her business running. Scheduling clients, tracking payments, and managing class bookings were done manually, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. These tasks left her with less time to focus on her clients and grow her business.

Kim also faced the challenge of maintaining personalized engagement with her clients. As her clientele grew, keeping track of individual milestones, anniversaries, and birthdays became increasingly difficult. Without a systematic way to manage these details, ensuring each client felt special and valued was a daunting task.

The turning point came when Kim realized she needed a more efficient way to manage her studio’s operations. She needed a solution that could automate routine tasks, streamline processes, and provide valuable insights into her business—all while allowing her to maintain the personal touch her clients loved. This need led her to Zen Planner, a member management software that promised to simplify her operations and give her more time to focus on what she does best.

Discovering Zen Planner: A Game-Changer for Core Wisdom

In 2016, Kim Robbins made a decision that would transform the way she managed Core Wisdom. Frustrated by the rising costs and limited local support of her previous software, MindBody, Kim began searching for a better solution. Her quest led her to Zen Planner, a Denver-based member management software that promised to meet her needs and more.

The switch to Zen Planner was seamless, thanks to its user-friendly interface and robust support team. For Kim, who was managing all aspects of her business alone, this was a crucial factor. The transition process was smooth, and she quickly realized the immediate benefits Zen Planner brought to her studio.

One of the most significant advantages Kim noticed was the time saved on administrative tasks. Zen Planner automated the scheduling and booking processes, reducing the hours Kim previously spent manually managing her calendar. Clients could now easily book their classes and private sessions online, freeing up Kim’s time to focus more on teaching and less on paperwork.

Payment processing also became more efficient. With Zen Planner, clients could securely store their payment information and set up auto-pay for their sessions. This eliminated the need for Kim to chase payments and manually process transactions. The system’s ability to handle credit card payments seamlessly was a game-changer, allowing Kim to focus on delivering quality Pilates instruction without the stress of managing finances.

Moreover, Zen Planner’s reporting features provided Kim with valuable insights into her business. She could track new clients, monitor retention rates, and analyze financial data with ease. These insights helped Kim make informed decisions about her business, identify growth opportunities, and understand her clients’ needs better.

Beyond the functional benefits, Zen Planner’s local support team stood out as a significant advantage. Based in Denver, the Zen Planner team was always just a call away, providing prompt and personalized support. Whether it was a quick question or an in-depth setup, Kim could rely on their expertise without long wait times. This local connection not only saved her time but also built a sense of trust and reliability.

In summary, discovering Zen Planner was a pivotal moment for Kim and Core Wisdom. The software not only streamlined her operations but also enhanced her ability to provide a personalized and efficient service to her clients. With Zen Planner, Kim could finally balance her roles as an instructor and business owner more effectively, driving growth and satisfaction in her studio.

Key Features of Zen Planner That Simplified Operations

For Kim Robbins at Core Wisdom, adopting Zen Planner was like hiring a reliable assistant who never takes a day off. The platform’s key features played a crucial role in simplifying her studio’s operations, allowing her to focus on what she loves—teaching Pilates and helping her clients.

Scheduling and Booking Automation

One of the standout features of Zen Planner is its scheduling and booking automation. Before using Zen Planner, Kim spent countless hours manually managing her class schedules and client appointments. This process was not only tedious but also prone to errors. With Zen Planner, the entire scheduling process became automated. Clients could easily view class schedules, book their spots online, and receive automated reminders for their sessions.

This automation not only saved Kim significant time but also reduced no-shows and last-minute cancellations.

Clients appreciated the convenience of booking classes at any time, and Kim no longer had to juggle her schedule manually. This feature alone freed up several hours each week, which Kim could then devote to her clients and her own well-being.

Payment Processing and Auto-Pay

Managing payments was another area where Zen Planner made a huge impact. Previously, Kim had to manually track payments, handle checks, and remind clients about due payments. This was not only time-consuming but also stressful, especially when clients forgot their checkbooks or delayed payments.

Zen Planner streamlined the entire payment process. Clients could securely store their payment information in the system and set up auto-pay for their sessions. This meant payments were processed automatically, and Kim no longer had to worry about chasing after clients for their dues. The system’s integration with payment processors ensured that transactions were smooth and secure, giving both Kim and her clients peace of mind.

Reporting and Member Management

Another game-changing feature of Zen Planner was its robust reporting and member management capabilities. The platform provided Kim with detailed insights into her business operations. She could easily track new client sign-ups, monitor retention rates, and analyze financial performance.

One particularly useful aspect was the ability to set up custom reports. For instance, Kim set up a report to track client anniversaries and significant milestones, such as their 100th class. Every Monday, she would review this report and prepare to celebrate these milestones with her clients, whether it was a card, a small gift, or a special shout-out in class. This personal touch, facilitated by Zen Planner, helped strengthen client relationships and boost retention.

Moreover, Zen Planner’s dashboard provided an at-a-glance view of important metrics, such as upcoming client birthdays. This allowed Kim to maintain a personal connection with her clients, making them feel valued and appreciated. The system’s ability to keep track of these details ensured that no client was overlooked, contributing to a strong sense of community within the studio.

Local Support and Quick Resolution

One of the key reasons Kim chose Zen Planner was its exceptional customer support. Based in Denver, the Zen Planner support team was always available to assist Kim with any questions or issues. Unlike other platforms where long hold times and impersonal service were the norms, Zen Planner’s support team provided prompt and personalized assistance.

Kim recalled instances where she needed immediate help, and Zen Planner’s support team resolved her issues quickly, often within minutes. This level of support was invaluable, allowing her to run her studio smoothly without any disruptions. The personal touch extended beyond the phone calls; when Kim once met a Zen Planner team member at a local dog park, they were able to assist her on the spot. This level of dedication and local presence reinforced Kim’s decision to stick with Zen Planner.

Personalized Member Engagement and Community Building

At Core Wisdom, building a strong sense of community and fostering personal connections with clients is at the heart of Kim Robbins’ approach. Zen Planner has been instrumental in helping her maintain and enhance these connections, ensuring each client feels valued and special.

Celebrating Milestones and Birthdays

One of the key ways Kim engages with her clients is by celebrating their important milestones. Whether it’s a client’s one-year anniversary at the studio or their 100th class, Kim makes sure to acknowledge and celebrate these achievements. Zen Planner’s custom reporting feature has made this process effortless. By setting up a custom report, Kim can easily track upcoming anniversaries and milestones. Each Monday, she reviews the report to prepare for the week’s celebrations, ensuring no milestone goes unnoticed.

This personal touch includes sending clients cards, giving small gifts like t-shirts or water bottles, or simply recognizing their achievements during class. For instance, when a client reaches their 100th class, Kim might hang a birthday boa on their piece of Pilates equipment, creating a fun and memorable moment for everyone. These gestures not only make clients feel appreciated but also strengthen their loyalty to Core Wisdom.

Remembering Personal Details

Knowing her clients on a personal level is something Kim prides herself on. Thanks to Zen Planner’s member management features, she can keep track of important personal details, such as clients’ birthdays. At the beginning of each month, Kim checks her dashboard for upcoming birthdays and notes them on her whiteboard. When a client’s birthday arrives, they find a special decoration on their Pilates equipment, making their day even more special.

These small but meaningful actions contribute to a warm and welcoming atmosphere at Core Wisdom. Clients feel like they are part of a close-knit community where they are known and valued. This sense of belonging is a significant factor in client retention and satisfaction.

Enhancing Member Experience

The ability to personalize the member experience is crucial for any fitness business, and Zen Planner provides the tools to do just that. By automating reminders and tracking important dates, Kim can focus more on interacting with her clients and less on administrative tasks. This ensures that each client’s experience is smooth, enjoyable, and tailored to their needs.

For example, Zen Planner sends out automatic email reminders for private sessions, reducing no-shows and keeping clients engaged. While Kim opted out of email reminders for classes to avoid overwhelming her clients who attend multiple times a week, the option to customize communication ensures that she can cater to her clients’ preferences.

Building a Supportive Community

Beyond individual engagement, Zen Planner helps Kim foster a sense of community among her clients. The software’s features allow her to manage and promote special events, workshops, and community gatherings, all of which contribute to a vibrant studio culture. Clients not only come to Core Wisdom for Pilates but also to be part of a supportive and engaged community.

By using Zen Planner to streamline operations and maintain personal connections, Kim has created an environment where clients feel more like family. This supportive atmosphere is a significant draw for new clients and a key reason why existing clients stay loyal to Core Wisdom.

Outstanding Customer Support: A Major Differentiator

For any business, having reliable customer support is essential, but for small business owners like Kim Robbins, it can be the difference between smooth operations and constant frustration. Zen Planner’s exceptional customer support has proven to be a significant asset for Core Wisdom, providing timely and effective solutions to any issues that arise.

Fast and Efficient Support

One of the standout aspects of Zen Planner’s service is the speed and efficiency of its customer support. Kim often needs quick resolutions to keep her studio running smoothly, and Zen Planner consistently delivers. Unlike other software providers where long hold times are common, Zen Planner’s support team responds promptly, often resolving issues within minutes.

Kim recalls several instances where she required immediate assistance, and Zen Planner’s team was always ready to help. Whether it was setting up a new feature, troubleshooting a problem, or answering a simple question, the support team provided clear and concise solutions. This level of responsiveness ensures that Kim can focus on her clients without being bogged down by technical issues.

Local and Personalized Service

Zen Planner’s local support team, based in Denver, adds an extra layer of trust and reliability. For Kim, knowing that support is just a call away and located nearby is incredibly reassuring. This local connection not only facilitates quicker response times but also fosters a sense of community and personalized service.

Kim shares a memorable experience where she met a Zen Planner team member at a local dog park. Even outside of a formal support call, the team member was ready to assist her with a question, showcasing the dedication and customer-first approach that Zen Planner embodies. This personal touch goes a long way in building strong, trust-based relationships with their clients.

Comprehensive Onboarding and Training

When Kim first transitioned to Zen Planner, the comprehensive onboarding and training provided by the support team were invaluable. Switching from MindBody to Zen Planner could have been a daunting task, but the Zen Planner team made it seamless. They offered detailed guidance and hands-on support, ensuring that Kim felt confident using the new system.

The team’s willingness to go above and beyond was evident when Kim visited the Zen Planner office with a list of questions. The staff dedicated time to answer every query, even providing lunch during the visit. This level of commitment to customer satisfaction is rare and highlights Zen Planner’s focus on ensuring their clients’ success.

Ongoing Support and Updates

Zen Planner’s support doesn’t end after the initial setup. The platform continuously evolves, and the support team is always available to help Kim adapt to new features and updates. Regular check-ins and the ability to quickly resolve any new challenges ensure that Core Wisdom remains at the forefront of member management technology.

Moreover, Zen Planner’s support extends to educating clients about best practices and new functionalities. This proactive approach helps Kim make the most of the platform, continually improving her studio’s operations and client experience.

In summary, Zen Planner’s outstanding customer support is a major differentiator that sets it apart from other member management software providers. For Kim Robbins and Core Wisdom, this support has been a critical factor in maintaining efficient operations and delivering exceptional service to clients.

Achieving Growth and Maintaining Balance

As a solo business owner, Kim Robbins knows firsthand how challenging it can be to achieve growth while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. With Zen Planner, she has managed to do both, allowing Core Wisdom to flourish without sacrificing her personal well-being.

Growth in Client Base and Retention

Since implementing Zen Planner, Kim has seen a significant increase in her client base. When she first started, she estimated she had around 40 clients, but Zen Planner’s efficient management tools have helped her grow that number to approximately 80 active clients. This growth can be attributed to the streamlined processes and enhanced member engagement that Zen Planner facilitates.

Zen Planner’s reporting features have also played a crucial role in tracking new clients and understanding retention rates. By analyzing these metrics, Kim can identify trends and make informed decisions to further improve her business. Her high retention rate is a testament to the strong relationships she builds with her clients, supported by the personalized engagement enabled by Zen Planner.

Efficient Time Management

One of the biggest challenges Kim faced before Zen Planner was managing her time effectively. The manual processes for scheduling, payments, and client management consumed valuable hours each week. Zen Planner’s automation of these tasks has freed up significant time, allowing Kim to focus more on teaching and less on administrative work.

For example, automating class bookings and payment processing means Kim no longer has to manually handle these tasks. Clients can easily book their sessions online, and payments are processed automatically, reducing the administrative burden. This efficiency has allowed Kim to reclaim several hours each week, which she can now dedicate to her clients and personal activities.

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a work-life balance is essential for long-term sustainability, especially for solo business owners. Zen Planner has helped Kim achieve this balance by simplifying her workload and reducing stress. With less time spent on administrative tasks, Kim has more time to enjoy her personal life, whether it’s tending to her garden, walking her dog, or simply relaxing at home.

Kim’s ability to delegate tasks to the software means she can leave the studio knowing everything is under control. This peace of mind is invaluable, allowing her to recharge and return to work with renewed energy and focus. By leveraging Zen Planner’s features, Kim has created a system that supports both her business growth and personal well-being.

Future Plans and Sustainable Growth

Looking ahead, Kim plans to continue leveraging Zen Planner to support sustainable growth at Core Wisdom. While she enjoys the size of her current classes and the personalized attention she can provide, the efficiency of Zen Planner opens up opportunities for further expansion if she chooses.

Kim is considering adding an iPad with the Zen Planner kiosk app to her studio, making it even easier for clients to book classes and manage their schedules. This small addition could enhance client autonomy and further streamline operations, allowing Kim to focus on strategic growth areas.

Moreover, with the growing demand for her services, Kim is exploring the possibility of bringing in additional instructors. Zen Planner’s reporting and management tools will be crucial in this process, helping her make informed decisions about hiring and scheduling to ensure a smooth integration of new team members.

In conclusion, Zen Planner has been a transformative tool for Kim Robbins and Core Wisdom. By streamlining operations, enhancing client engagement, and providing exceptional support, Zen Planner has enabled Kim to achieve growth while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. With its continued support, Core Wisdom is well-positioned for sustainable success.

Advice for New Studio Owners

With two decades of experience running Core Wisdom, Kim Robbins has accumulated a wealth of knowledge that can benefit new studio owners. Here are some key pieces of advice she offers for those starting their journey in the fitness industry.

Embrace Technology Early

One of the biggest lessons Kim has learned is the importance of leveraging technology to streamline operations. Implementing a member management system like Zen Planner can save countless hours and reduce administrative burdens. By automating tasks such as scheduling, payment processing, and client management, new studio owners can focus more on delivering high-quality instruction and building relationships with their clients.

Prioritize Customer Support

Choosing a member management software with excellent customer support is crucial. Kim’s experience with Zen Planner’s responsive and local support team has been a game-changer for her business. For new studio owners, having access to reliable support can make the difference between smooth operations and constant frustration. Ensure the software provider offers quick, effective, and personalized support to help you navigate any challenges that arise.

Build Personal Connections with Clients

Personal engagement is at the heart of a successful studio. Kim’s dedication to remembering client milestones, birthdays, and personal details has fostered a strong sense of community at Core Wisdom. New studio owners should prioritize building these personal connections, as they significantly enhance client loyalty and satisfaction. Use the tools available in your member management software to track and celebrate important client milestones.

Stay Organized and Consistent

Running a studio requires a high level of organization and consistency. Kim attributes her success to her routine and structured approach. She schedules specific days for tasks such as cleaning, watering plants, and administrative work. Establishing a consistent routine helps manage the myriad responsibilities that come with running a studio and ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Help

Running a studio alone can be overwhelming, and it’s essential to recognize when you need help. Whether it’s hiring additional instructors or seeking advice from more experienced business owners, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Kim’s willingness to engage with the Zen Planner support team and seek personalized assistance has been vital in managing her workload and improving her business operations.

Focus on Sustainable Growth

While growth is important, it should be sustainable. Kim’s approach to gradually expanding her client base and considering the addition of new instructors reflects a thoughtful strategy. New studio owners should focus on building a solid foundation before scaling up. Ensure you have the systems and support in place to handle increased demand without compromising the quality of your services.

Trust the Process

Starting and running a fitness studio is a challenging journey filled with ups and downs. Kim’s advice is to trust the process and stay committed. There will be times when business is slow or when challenges seem insurmountable, but perseverance is key. Use these moments as opportunities to refine your approach, improve your services, and strengthen your resolve.

In conclusion, Kim Robbins’ journey with Core Wisdom offers valuable insights for new studio owners. By embracing technology, prioritizing customer support, building personal connections, staying organized, seeking help when needed, focusing on sustainable growth, and trusting the process, new studio owners can navigate the complexities of the fitness industry and build successful, thriving businesses.


Learn firsthand how Zen Planner’s features can help you streamline your operations, improve client engagement, and achieve your business goals.

Ready to take the next step? Visit Zen Planner’s website to explore our member management solutions and book a demo today.

Empower your studio with the tools and support you need to succeed.

About the Author: Kelli Sweeting

I'm Coach Kelli, a devoted CrossFit gym owner with 15 years of experience managing my facility, along with owning yoga studios and wellness centers. Beyond the fitness world, I have a passion for cooking, cherish moments with my children and family, and find joy in spending time outside. Having experienced the highs and lows, I'm dedicated to leveraging my expertise to help you grow and succeed on your fitness journey.