Teaching the Teachers: Should You Offer Yoga Teacher Training at Your Studio?

4 min read


Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training

A survey by Yoga Alliance indicated that for every yoga teacher in the United States, there are two more people who want to become yoga teachers. But that interest isn’t the only reason why we’re seeing so many new yoga teachers: experts say that for many yoga studios, the revenue derived from a yoga teacher training helps them stay in business.

It might seem like an obvious decision when you think of it that way, but there are a few significant things to consider before you move forward.

Are you ready to teach the teachers?

It’s one thing to teach students, but it’s another to teach teachers. Even if you’re not ready for that, it doesn’t mean a YTT at your studio is off the table. You could consider bringing in an experienced teacher who is well-known enough to draw students from a greater area. This ensures you’re delivering high-quality training and it helps you fill the course. Additionally, your visiting teacher will already have a curriculum, so you won’t have to take the time to develop one.

When will you schedule it?

Most in-studio trainings are stretched out over the course of several months or a year to allow you to make the most of your space and time.

Making big changes to your yoga class schedule to accommodate a teacher training could cost you some students, so make sure you’re working the training around your existing schedule in your yoga software in a way that works for the studio and potential trainees.

Who will enroll?

The good news about running a yoga studio is that you have an audience full of potential trainees. Keep in mind, though, that you don’t want all your students to graduate and ask you for a job rather than continuing to pay their memberships.

Have a plan in place for how you will attract trainees. Research other local YTTs and differentiate yourself in both value and scheduling to give interested yogis a new training option, instead of just another training option. 

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Take your time

Researching the local competition, developing a curriculum, advertising, enrolling students and running your program is going to take time. Give yourself plenty of it to make sure you’re doing good work. Take a deep breath and enjoy the process of putting together your yoga teacher training.

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About the Author: Kelli Sweeting

I'm Coach Kelli, a devoted CrossFit gym owner with 15 years of experience managing my facility, along with owning yoga studios and wellness centers. Beyond the fitness world, I have a passion for cooking, cherish moments with my children and family, and find joy in spending time outside. Having experienced the highs and lows, I'm dedicated to leveraging my expertise to help you grow and succeed on your fitness journey.