Expert Tips for Athlete Retention

At Zen Planner and SugarWOD, we talk to thousands of gym owners every year. When we ask what keeps them up at night, they always say the same thing — athlete retention. Retention is an issue for all gyms across the board. Even if a gym is adding new athletes to their community and building relationships, retaining existing athletes is still a top priority. One of the main reasons athlete retention is so important is that it costs more to win a new athlete than it does to keep a current one. Plus, athletes are more valuable the longer they stay at your gym. They refer family and friends and add value to your community.
Our Goal? To Help You Retain Athletes
There are some simple things you can do to build a culture of retention and keep your existing athletes happy. Many of the ideas we share in this guide come from industry leaders and the most successful gym owners we know. We also back these ideas up with research from top retention experts. Let’s get started!
Retention Strategies
Strategy #1: Programming & Convenient Classes
Your athletes will be more likely to come back if they get the programming they want and convenient class times. If your class times and location aren’t convenient, your athletes will be forced to consider other options. Likewise, if your programming isn’t comprehensive and well thought out, you’ll also lose athletes. Take the time to create quality programming — this is a priority for your members, especially when it comes to class schedules and programming.
Strategy #2: Show Appreciation for Your Athletes
Let your athletes know they matter. The easiest way to make your athletes feel special is to slow down and really listen when they talk to you. We are drawn to people who are interested in us and make us feel important. Showing genuine interest in your athletes improves retention because it makes them feel valued by you and your community.
Strategy #3: Make It Easy to Be a Member
To keep things simple for your athletes, take the time to do occasional audits. Visit your website and walk through your in-gym athlete experience. Make sure it’s easy to see the updated class schedule and check into class. Automatic billing saves time and energy for you and your athletes. It also helps with retention because it takes the monthly payment decision point away from them.
Strategy #4: Engage Your Athletes
When training is routine, boring, and purposeless, people lose interest in it. But if training is fun and athletes are making even the smallest progress toward a goal, it’s a lot easier to keep them engaged. It’s also easier to show them why they should renew their membership. Keep your programming fresh and interesting with workshops, outdoor classes, boot camps, and new class additions like weightlifting and yoga.
Strategy #5: Build a Strong & Inclusive Community
Plan fun events to give your athletes a chance to get to know each other better. Events like mud runs, local competitions, happy hours, charity WODs, and volunteer projects help build a family-like community. Also, create an athlete hangout area in your gym for athletes to chat and connect.
Strategy #6: Start Them on the Right Foot
A good start at your gym matters. If prospects don’t have a good initial experience, they are less likely to stick around. Make sure new athletes feel welcomed and provide a strong foundations program so they can transition safely and easily. Help new athletes form the habit of exercise by giving them extra attention and getting a verbal commitment for their next class.
Strategy #7: Know Your Numbers
Your business metrics tell you a lot about your athletes’ happiness and your overall rate of retention. Understanding retention metrics helps you intelligently address issues as they arise. Use member management software for WOD tracking, attendance tracking, and metric reporting to keep an eye on these crucial numbers.
Retention is the key to unlocking your success as a gym owner. By being proactive and building a culture of retention, you can ensure your athletes are happy and getting what they need. Knowing your retention metrics allows you to continuously monitor trends and address any issues that arise.
Zen Planner x SugarWOD Integration
Our two sister solutions — Zen Planner and SugarWOD — help you accomplish both data management and providing a positive member experience. Zen Planner is your day-to-day member management and billing software, while SugarWOD is your community-building solution. When paired together, they become an unstoppable force for athlete retention.
By implementing these expert tips, you can create a supportive and engaging environment that keeps your athletes coming back and contributing to the community.