Lesa Gutenkunst, owner of Lakeside Fit Body Boot Camp, is no stranger to loss and tragedy. She was dealt a double blow of losing her daughter and father to cancer in the same year. When Lesa tells the story of this difficult time, she credits her community with giving her the support she needed to get through. That gratitude led Lesa to give back to those who were there for her when she needed it most.
In 2007 Lesa opened Lakeside Fit Body Boot Camp, in Heartland, WI, and welcomed people of all fitness levels and experiences. Her goal is to help others by providing a safe space for physical and emotional transformation. Today, Lakeside Fit Body Boot Camp has over 300 members, a kid’s program and several large corporate accounts.
Like many other Zen Planner customers, Lesa decided to try the software because it was recommended to her. “I’d been using MindBody® for several years, but the Fit Body Boot Camp corporate office suggested we switch to Zen Planner,” Lesa said. “I trust their advice, so I reached out to sign up as soon as I could.”
Switching software can be an intimidating task, and Lesa was naturally a little nervous. “I had reservations and worries about the switch from MindBody® to Zen Planner, but it turned out to be the very best decision and experience.”
After setting up her account, Lesa began her onboarding training. “The sales and onboarding teams took my concerns and turned them into something very positive. It was easy and went very quickly. Zen Planner is incredibly user-friendly, so it didn’t take long for me to feel comfortable with the program,” says Lesa. “Once I completed onboarding, I turned off MindBody® and turned on Zen Planner. The transition was easy, and I gained a bunch of added features that will help me run my business more effectively. One of the features I’m most excited to use is the workout tracking,” explained Lesa.
Zen Planner’s workout tracking allows members to record their workout results and see their progress from a historical standpoint. It keeps members motivated, which helps with retention. “I want to get the most out of workout tracking, so I’m doing fun things to get my members used to using it,” Lesa said. “Right now we’re doing weekly workout challenges, and everyone loves it,” said Lesa.
Lesa’s favorite new feature is the metrics dashboard. “At a glance I can see all my operational metrics, like overall attendance summaries for classes, my financials, member birthdays, billing status and any past due member accounts,” Lesa explained. “If I glance at my dashboard and notice something I’d like to know more about, I just click on the metric heading, and I’m able to drill down and sort out the issue.”
The simplicity of the dashboard makes things much easier for Lesa and her team. “Before, if I wanted to see any of these metrics, I would have to run individual reports. But now this information auto-populates on my metrics dashboard, and it’s there waiting for me whenever I open up Zen Planner,” Lesa explained.
“There’s a reminder for me when people are at the end of their trial period or have an expiring credit card. Having that information at a glance allows me to click into their account, send them a quick automated email and add an alert to their account so I can speak to them in person when they come in,” Lesa explained.
“Zen Planner has given me the tools and metrics I need to run my business effectively, and it’s changed the way I run it too,” Lesa said. “The first thing I do each morning is look at my metrics dashboard. Then I’m up to speed and know how to prioritize from there.”
These new tools and features save Lesa so much time and effort each week. “Without Zen Planner, I’d need an assistant because doing it manually would take so long. It would probably take me more than 20 additional hours each week to get it all done,” Lesa said. “That’s a conservative estimate too. I have only been with Zen Planner for a couple of months, and there are a few features I haven’t started using yet. Once I do, I know I’ll save even more time.”
“I’m a very involved business owner, and I’m attached to data management,” Lesa explained. “Managing your business with accurate metrics allows you to stay on top of things instead of chasing after them later. With Zen Planner, I always know where things stand, and that allows me to always be in control.”
- Reduces administrative work by more than 20 hours a week
- Saves about $25,000 annually by eliminating need for administrative assistant
- Gives Lesa the ability to see all vital business metrics at a glance
- Provides workout tracking, which keeps members engaged and improves retention
- Enables Lesa to run her business more effectively